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Lothmann step-drills do it allDrilling, boring, chamfering or counter-sinking combined into one tool:

This is what is required for efficient metal cutting operations:

  • Stable, fast, accurate and reliable Machining Centers
  • Well designed clamping and fixturing
  • Intelligently designed Combination Tools which combine several machining operations in one machining cycle

Lothmann Werkzeugtechnik (Tooling technology) specializes since 1987 to design and build customer-specific special tools for combined drilling, boring, counter-boring, chamfering, OD turning and back-chamfering and -boring, and does so faster than any of its major competitors. Our CIM production technology gives you the following advantages:

Your tool manufacturer since 1987 – CIM-controlled production of drills for metal processing

Our continuous CIM-controlled production means for you:

Your offer within 1-2 days
Your tool manufacturer, Lothmann, will respond to any enquiry within two working days.

Your delivery within 3 weeks
Thanks to CIM-controlled production, we can deliver your individual step drills within three weeks of your order - and even faster in urgent cases!

For your safety: the Lothmann functional guarantee
We guarantee the function of the tools! Any necessary improvements will be made free of charge. If a tool still does not function satisfactorily, it will be taken back.

For your precision: one hundred percent dimensional inspection
Our combination tools are subjected to a hundred percent final inspection for dimensional accuracy. This is the only way to protect you from surprises at the start of production!

For your budget: reasonably priced custom-made products
The focus on step drills and countersinks enables unrivalled low prices. The rationalisation effect can already be seen in small quantities.

By the way: We operate internationally!
As a tool manufacturer, we are constantly working on innovative special solutions for the metal industry. It goes without saying that we share our mature expertise with customers all over the world.


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